Monday, October 19, 2009

Managing the Missus

Poor G has been doing a bit of this lately, as we try to bring some sort of order to our new house and garden ...

We spent much of the weekend tidying, fixing, shopping and organising. It's fun though - we're gradually sorting out our stuff, finding places for some things and deciding what we can pass on to others. Today our house is flooded with sunlight, and I know we're going to be happy here!

This afternoon as I was walking home from work I stopped to watch a pair of rainbow lorikeets chirping and snuggling in the low branches of a neighbour's street tree. They didn't seem worried by my standing so close, and their gorgeous feathers looked amazing against the new green spring foliage.

We have lots of birds in this area .... I've named my resident garden blackbirds Henry and Matilda. Love their crazy jazz tunes!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Glad you two are settling in okay. It must be lovely with all those birds around.

... also ...

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